Social Media Marketing Strategy: How To Leverage Social Media Marketing

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In this episode, I am answering an audience question. "How can I leverage my social media accounts?"

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.

Listen and learn how to create a social media strategy to fully leverage this opportunity...


Hello there. This is Monique. This is episode number 2 and in today's episode, I want to answer an audience question. Now, this is something that I'm planning to do regularly, and I'm happy to help you out and answer all your digital marketing questions. So this question comes from my dear friend Samantha. Her Twitter is @samantha_stb. You can go check her out, and her question is: "How can I leverage my social media accounts?" Well, social media marketing is one of the most requested topics. So let me start with why social media marketing is so valuable and what social media marketing actually is. Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms to connect with your audience, to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. Now, a social media platform and a social network are not the same thing. Let me clarify this. A social network is a type of social medium. There are several social media, right, it's plural, and a social medium in any medium that is somehow related to society. That's an informal, social gathering where people who have something in common can hang out and exchange views and find companionship. That's what social means, right. So, you can do all of those things on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, Whatsapp, Pinterest. I mean, you name it. However, you can also do those things on for example bookmarking sites, or news sites, or media sharing sites, blogs, forums, customer review websites, and basically any site where you can leave a comment and thus engage and chat with others. When you, for example, take the time and answer all the questions related to your industry or niche that are asked on a question-and-answer site like Quora, for example, you can gain credibility from that and put yourself out there as a subject matter expert and build your brand. That's something most people wouldn't even think of when they think of social media marketing, right. You can see it is really multifaceted. I want to answer the question: "Why do you want to do social media marketing in general?". Let's start there. Actually, let's take a step back and answer the question: "Why do you want to do digital marketing in general?" first. Marketing is about connecting with your audience at the right place and at the right time. And in order to connect with someone and communicate a message, you have to meet them. And since you can't expect people to just magically find you, you have to meet them where they are spending their time. And today, this is on the internet. People spend time on electronic devices browsing the internet. A lot of time. And it's continuously increasing. Here are some numbers from a study done by the University of Southern California. I'll leave the link below. The average American spent 9.4 hours a week online in 2000 and today it's 23.6 hours. The number of people accessing the internet for mobile devices has risen from 23% in 2010 to 84% now. Smartphone email use went from 21 to 79%. The time people spend on the Internet with their devices is continuously increasing. When we want to reach people with our marketing, we must meet people where they are, which is on their electronic devices and most likely on the internet. That is why you want to do digital marketing in general. Now, Social Media Marketing as a type of digital marketing is important because people spend time on social media sites in particular when they're online. Social media allows you to reach people locally, regionally, nationally, and even internationally. And if you understand the characteristics of your target audience, you will be able to personalize your messages to resonate with that audience. More appropriately, social media marketing is the process of creating content that you have tailored to the context of each individual social media platform in order to drive user engagement and sharing. You gaining traffic is only the result of social media marketing. Now, let me get into how you can do social media marketing. You have to determine your goals. You have to know what you want to get out of this and why you're doing it. Why are you doing social media marketing, or why do you want to do social media marketing? Are you trying to generate leads or are you trying to generate direct sales? Do you want to offer a form of customer service through social media? Do you want to build customer relationships and boost customer loyalty? Do you want to create user-generated content? Is your goal to collect reviews and get feedback? All of those things can be goals that you can have with social media marketing, and this greatly affects the type of content you post and the activities you participate in. You see that you need a strategy to approach this. You cannot just post anything and expect something specific to happen. A social media marketing strategy is a summary of everything that you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions, and lets you know whether you're succeeding or failing. Every post, every reply, like, and comment, et cetera should serve your goal. You need to have everything mapped out and strategically work towards your goals. You can see your strategy as your competitive game plan. You also wanna evaluate your resources. Who's going to create your content? Are you going to do it yourself? Is another person inside of your company going to take care of it in-house and maintain your accounts? Who's going to respond to the questions and who's going to be the face of your business online? All of those were questions that you want to consider when getting into social media marketing. And if you do not have the technical ability and the know-how to join and engage in the online conversation on social media, are you willing to learn it, or are you willing to hire someone to do it for you? You have to be sure that you have the necessary people in place to execute a social media marketing plan before you start. Also make sure that you thoroughly acquaint yourself with the topic. You don't have to do everything manually. If you decide to do it all yourself, there's automation. There is post scheduling in advance, etcetera, etcetera. There are so many things to help you out and support you. A cheer for technology. Also, you should really know your audience and know who your target audience is, and where, and how they spend their time online. What kind of content and conversations does your audience value the most? What kind of information do they want from you? What do they like and dislike? Remember, you're not just publishing marketing messages on the social web. You need to find out what your audience wants and needs so you can provide the kind of content they find useful and interesting. However, you need to also be personal, so they actually want to interact with you. For this, it is so incredibly helpful to have a buyer persona. A buyer persona, also called a customer avatar, is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data. It allows you to group your audience into different segments, and you can create more targeted content for each of those groups and then get more effective marketing campaigns and stronger results. Not sure how to create a buyer persona and what questions to ask? We have a free, customizable buyer persona template that will let you easily organize your information to create your very own buyer personas. And you can start right now. Download the free template by clicking the link below. You don't want to miss out on this and get your copy because you'll end up with beautiful, well-formatted buyer personas that you can share with your entire company. Every social media platform is not the same, so it doesn't make sense to share the same content on every platform. You can look at it like this. Every TV channel is not the same, right. ESPN has different types of content than MTV, and vice versa. That is because ESPN has a different audience than MTV. It caters to a different group of people. Hence the whole set up, the show topics, the formats, the way the content is cut, and the sets, and the sounds, and even the language used by the presenters. It's all different and tailored to the audience that consumes it. The same person in your audience can be interested in music and sports, which means that there can be overlaps of interests. However, that doesn't mean that you should mix things together. Social networks each have their own vibe, which is why they can coexist in the first place. Twitter, for example, is a great place to share industry news. Why? Well, as the slogan says, "It's what's happening". The platform is all about news, current events, and it is mostly used by adults. That's right. 38% of Twitter users in 2020 are over 35 and 67% are over 25. That is, according to a recent study by Statista. I'll leave the link below as always. You can go check out the sources. So Twitter is a great place to share industry news and add a personal human touch to it. Use it as a micro blog and post about your interests, too. In contrast, more than half of the global Instagram population worldwide age 34 or younger, Instagram is mostly used by teens and young adults. It is also a lot more visual than Twitter. Twitter is about text. Instagram is about pictures. When you have a lot of visuals to share and are in the business-to-consumer business as opposed to the business-to-business business, Instagram is more relevant for you to help you achieve your goals. Facebook is the social network with the most users and the second leading country, based on the number of Facebook users as of January 2020, is the United States. The leading country is India by the way. Plus, Facebook allows you to target people in the most advanced way. Now, I don't want to get too deep into Facebook ads manager and the Facebook ad center in this episode, but it's definitely one of its kind. And in my opinion, you should be on Facebook to engage what your audience before you even consider expanding your social media presence to another network. The second on the list is Twitter by the way. And you can actually go see a ranking of the top 11 social networking sites that we recommend to be on, in that order. So if you want to know the full sequence that we think makes the most sense based on data, go check it out. The link is down below in the show notes on Here's another example. Pinterest. Seven out of 10 Pinterest users are female. So if you're marketing primarily to women or people who identify as female, Pinterest is a social network to consider in your social media marketing strategy. Another stat to consider is the time spent on those platforms. On average, a user spends, 4.96 minutes on Facebook and 3.39 minutes on Twitter and only 3.7 minutes on Instagram and 1.85 minutes on Snapchat. Design your content accordingly because you want it to be read, watched, and not just skimmed, right? You want it to be so on point and perfectly targeted that it makes a person stop scrolling on and pause for a moment and actually take the time to understand your message and feel so delighted they want to share it with their friends and engage with it and give you a like, give you a comment, and just spread it instead of just skim it and keep on scrolling on in their infinite feed. You have to create amazing content. Once you know where your audience spends time and what kind of content they want, give them more of that kind of content. Don't give up. You need to continually offer your audience amazing content. Amazing content also comes in the form of conversations. With conversations, you can build a loyal following of people who trust you as a source of information, and you can meet their needs and expectations. It takes time and you have to be consistent. Everybody has started from scratch once. Everybody started with zero followers and used to get zero likes and no comments and had no subscribers at one point. The key is perseverance. So keep going and don't expect things to happen overnight. It takes time. I believe in quantity and quality at the same time. And I've said it many times that I believe in posting several times a day continuously because you want to create every opportunity possible for a person to interact with you and gain insights from your content no matter how their day looks like and what time zone they live. Also make sure to integrate your marketing efforts. All your efforts at social media marketing should feed off each other. You can cross promote your efforts both online and offline, and make sure that your social media efforts and your other digital marketing efforts as well as your traditional marketing efforts work together seamlessly. Then you also wanna work out a schedule, allocate specific times during your day or doing your week to devote to social media marketing. You need a plan, and then you also need to stick to it. Have you ever heard of the 80-20 rule? I'm pretty sure you have. And here's what I mean with adopting the 80-20 rule in this context. 80% of the time, you should provide value to your audience and not promote yourself and try to sell something. 80% is just pure value. Provide valuable information to your audience. Be helpful, put useful content out there, high-quality content that is well researched and well-written, et cetera. And don't think about yourself. But think about your audience first and what's in it for them. And then 20% of the time, you can endorse your products and services and actually pitch and sell and do all the self-promotional activities. I think that this is a healthy ratio here, you know, the 80-20 rule. Also don't chase having many followers. It can be easy to get caught up in the numbers, but you don't want to become a slave to followers and subscribers. It is better to have 300 highly engaged and loyal followers than 100,000 followers who just signed up to follow, but then never acknowledge you again or, you know, are just inactive because they're bought followers or whatever. Also give power to your audience. You must let your audience take control of the online conversation and make it their own, so they develop an emotional attachment to you and your business and your brand. Also think about user-generated content. Create and promote your own branded hashtag that people can use when they post a picture or video whatever with your product in it or talk about their experience with your service. Last but not least, keep on learning. That is so important. You never want to stop listening and learning, and that is so crucial for success. No matter if it's about social media marketing or anything else in life, stay hungry and keep on learning forever. Summing up. Here's what I want you to take away from this episode. These are the 10 things you got to do to leverage your social media accounts. Number one. Set your goals. Number two. Know who does what. Number three. Get to know your audience and create your buyer personas. Number four. Create amazing content. Number five. Make your marketing efforts work hand in hand. Number six. Work out a schedule. Number seven. Used the 80-20 rule when it comes to self-promotional and non-promotional content. Number eight. Don't chase having many followers. Number nine. Give power to your audience. Number 10. Keep on learning. I hope that answered your question, Samantha. Please let me know. Also everybody else please let me know how this information was helpful to you. I love feedback. And if you need any help with your digital marketing, check out the Dragon Digital Marketing Agency. I wish you all the best. Until next time.

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