The Know-Like-Trust-Factor: How to get your target customers to know, like, and trust you with Patrick Powers

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You'll learn how you, as a small business owner, can infuse the Know-Like-And-Trust-Factor into your content and your pitches. As a result, you'll get people to know, like and trust you online and in the real world and achieve more success in your business.


A transcript will be added soon.

Time Stamps

  • 00:00
  • 06:11
    What is the Know Like and Trust Factor and why is it so important?
  • 08:54
    How can small businesses infuse this Know Like Trust Factor into their content?
  • 13:00
    When it comes to our online presences, like social media and our website, how can we apply those techniques to get that Know, Like and Trust Factor there?
  • 19:00
    Do you have any tips for lead magnet creation? How many lead magnets do you recommend a small business to have?
  • 24:57
    How can people use the Know-Like-Trust Factor to form an irresistible message and use it for their pitches as well?
  • 28:38
    Do you have some tips specifically to be more likable and be more liked by people?
  • 32:20
    10 actionable tips to get more known + 10 actionable tips to get more liked + 10 actionable tips to build trust
  • 50:57
    Key takeaways
  • 52:03
    How can people find you and contact you, Patrick?

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Resources, Links, Mentions and More

14 ways to get more known online and raise awareness for your brand and small business

  1. Get clear on who you’re talking to and targeting and create buyer personas
  2. Showcase your expertise in your niche
  3. Create the right content for your target audience
  4. Develop a valuable, free offer and use it as your lead magnet
  5. Encourage sharing to reach a wider audience
  6. Build relationships with relevant influencers in your niche
  7. Create a blog and publish content that can be discovered
  8. Interview experts, they'll share it and you get credibility
  9. Guest blog on relevant blogs to reach a wider audience
  10. Have an amazing About us page on your website
  11. Utilize your email newsletter
  12. Be a podcast guest
  13. Be a public speaker
  14. Get creative

10 ways to get more liked online and build likability for yourself, your brand and your small business

  1. Be authentic, don't imitate what makes others stand out
  2. Be real and stand out through your uniqueness
  3. Be nice because people like people who are kind
  4. Initiate a two-way conversation and don't just talk at people in person and in your content
  5. Be relevant and following
  6. Be visible and don't hide your face, personality and who you are
  7. Put your face to your name
  8. Be social on social media media
  9. Be generous
  10. Deliver social proof

10 ways to build trust online for yourself, your brand and your small business

  1. Give away (some of) your best stuff
  2. Don’t disappoint, always underpromise and overdeliver
  3. Be consistently good, set the expectations right
  4. Incorporate testimonials, customer reviews and endorsements
  5. Use case studies
  6. Don’t steal, be original in your content
  7. Avoid jargon and invite everybody to understand what you say and learn more
  8. Apologize when you need to and own your mistakes
  9. Give your audience space
  10. Offer guarantees

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